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Interoperable, Standardized and Manufacturer-Independent Interface

The PROFIdrive Profile Covers all Applications Relevant to Industry in the Respective Application Classes (AC):


Application Class 1

In the simplest case, a main setpoint (e.g., speed setpoint) is used to control the drive in PROFIBUS DP or PROFINET IO. Speed control is handled entirely within the drive. This application case occurs predominantly in conventional drive technology (e.g. frequency converters for pumps, fans, compressors).

The “standard drive with technological function” application class offers a high degree of flexibility for implementing automation applications. With this class, the entire automation process is broken down into several sub-processes and distributed among the drives. The automation functions are then no longer run exclusively in the central controller, and the PROFIBUS DP or PROFINET IO interfaces take on the  character of high-level technological interfaces.

Of course, the decentralization of the technological processes requires the ability for multi-directional communication. Thus, slave-to-slave communication between the technological processes of the individual drives is possible, in particular. Specific examples of applications are setpoint cascades, winders, and speed synchronization applications for continuous processes that involve a continuously running material web.

This video of a live demo (in German language) shows the interoperable PROFIdrive interface and a simple diagnosis.

Application Class 3

In this class, the drive features positioning control in addition to the drive control (speed and position control). The drive thus acts as an autonomous single-axis positioning drive, while the higher-level technological processes run on the controller. Positioning tasks are transferred to and started on the single-axis positioner and drive via PROFIBUS DP or PROFINET IO. Positioning drives have a wide range of applications, e.g. twisting bottle caps on and off during bottle filling or positioning of blades in a film cutting machine.

The programing of positioning, velocity & torque tasks in AC3 is very easy and fast ether by using the existing function blocks for positioning or sending the commands directly via the bits and bytes of the control and status words of the corresponding telegrams.

The PROFIdrive advantage of the high-performance parameter channel is shown in the video of a live demo. The video is in German language.

Application Class 4 and 5 = AC4/5

Application class 4 defines an interface between the speed setpoint interface and actual position value interface, where speed control is executed on the drive and position control on the controller, as it is typically required in robot and machine tool applications. The motion control for multiple axes is performed centrally, for example, by numerical control (NC). The position control loop is closed by means of the bus. Clock synchronization is required to synchronize the clocks for the position control in the controller and for the speed control in the drives (PROFIBUS DP-V2 or PROFINET with IRT).

Application class 5 is comparable to the above description except that a position setpoint inter-face takes the place of the speed setpoint inter-face.

Typical named as "Motion Control" defined by servo drive with isochronous closed-loop speed and positioncontrol with central motion control. The system has to handle the synchronized motion through clock-synchroneous communication, multiple axes, e.g. for machine tools or robots or printing machines.

This video of a live demo (in German language) shows the standardized application interface for motion control and encoders - PROFIdrive - as well as the interchangeability of devices.


PROFIBUS is a standardized, open, digital communications system for all areas of application in manufacturing and process automation.


PROFINET is the innovative open standard for Industrial Ethernet. It satisfies all requirements of automation technology.


IO-LINK is an independent sensor / actuator interface solution for use with all automation technologies.



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Omlox is an open technology standard for real-time indoor localization systems for industrial manufacturing.