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The GSD Editor of the PROFIBUS User Organization (PNO) in Germany is a 32-bit MS Windows application. It provides an easy-to-use interface for creating, editing and checking GSD (General Station Description)  files for PROFIBUS-DP devices. The PROFIBUS GSD Editor is based on the Specification for PROFIBUS Device Description and Device Integration, Volume 1: GSD Revision 5.1.


GSD Editor 6.0.0 examins the GSD file according to „Specification for PROFIBUS Device Description and Device Integration“ Volume 1: GSD Version 5.1 July 2008 Order No: 2.122.


It consists of two components:

-          graphical tool for editing incl. checker

-          checker as command-line tool e.g. for automated tests


Extensions  GSD Editor 6.0.0 to 5.1.10:

- Support of Safety 2.6 modules, CRC calculation and check according to

spezification „PROFIsafe – Profile for Safety Technology on

   PROFIBUS and PROFINET“ Profile part, related to IEC 61784-3-3 Technical

   Specification Version 2.6MU1 – Date: August 2018 Order No.: 3.192

- Safety modules according to older specification versions are mostly supported

- Support of keyword „RIOforFA_CFG_Identifier“ and test of

   dependences according to „Remote IO for Factory Automation“, Common

   Profile Specification for PROFINET and PROFIBUS Version 1.10 –  Date:

   August 2018 Order No.: 3.242.


The tool is provided free of charge by PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (Germany) to all members of PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI).






Hardware requirements: (requirements inherited from .Net Framework 4.6)

  Personal computer: IBM compatible PC, Processor 1 GHz

  Free space on HD:  4.5 GB

  Ram:                       512 MB

  Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher recommended


Software requirements:

  Operating system:  MS-Windows 10

  Net-Framework:     Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.1

  Help Browser:        Browser shall support pdf file format





Installation requirements

The .NET Framework requires administrator privileges for installation. If you don't have administrator rights to the computer where you'd like to install the .NET Framework, contact your network administrator.


1. Follow the instruction of the Install Wizard.

2. Start the GSD Editor from the generated program folder.


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# Date Filename Type Size
20/01/2020 zip 3 MB

PROFIBUS is a standardized, open, digital communications system for all areas of application in manufacturing and process automation.


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