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omlox - the open locating standard for industrie 4.0

omlox is the world's first open locating standard

omlox paves the way to industrie 4.0 and supply chain transparency by unify all locating technologies in one open, interoperable standard. While supporting location technologies like GNSS, 5G/LTE, WIFI, RFID or BLE, omlox has a specific emphasis on ultra-wideband (UWB), as THE rising star in the field. omlox specifies an open ultra-wideband system, that ensures complete hardware interoperability, and which enables multi-purpose infrastructures, e.g., for multi-site asset tracking and AGV navigation. By means of lightweight APIs and flexible operation setups, omlox can be easily integrated into existing software and hardware scenarios. Retrofit and future proof – with omlox there is no conflict.

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omlox architecture – a holistic approach for locating system

omlox – the open locating standard

The omlox standard as such is comprised of two main elements:



  • omlox hub: A lightweight middleware that provides standardized interfaces to location data and location services – across technologies and vendors.


  • omlox core zone: An open ultra-wideband system, that facilitates a plug-and-play, real-time tracking of hardware from multiple vendors.



Both elements of omlox already provide great value and flexibility while setting up a locating system or using location data for industrial use-cases individually. But the combination is even more powerful – especially in real-time use-cases on a shopfloor or in a warehouse.

omlox core zone

omlox – the open locating standard

For sure ultra-wideband (UWB) is >THE< rising star of location technologies, being integrated in smartphones, laptops and cars these days. UWB is a radio-technology that uses short impulses on a broad frequency band. This approach is very robust when it comes to reflections on metallic surfaces and allows for a very fast and precise computation of location. But in an industrial setup UWB is even today a very fragmented landscape with small vendors that provide proprietary technologies.

This is about to change with

By specifying the wireless interface, how UWB-enabled devices like tags, tools or AGVs should communicate with an UWB infrastructure, an interoperable setup can be achieved. One omlox core zone can service multiple use-cases and can locate hardware from multiple vendors. This allows for a much lower total cost of ownership and a faster return on investment.

omlox hub

omlox hub

An omlox hub is specified as a lightweight locating middleware with very easy to use APIs. It allows for seamless access to location data and services – no matter which location technologies are been used.


Software vendors and integrators do not have to implement custom interfaces for different vendors anymore. Location-technology providers can benefit from wide array of existing software.






An omlox hub is built on very powerful software concepts and functionalities:

Geo-ReferencingAn omlox hub provides location data in local and global coordinates – no matter wether something is inside or outside of a building.
Identity ManagementAn omlox hub provides consistent identy management for moving things – across locating technologies.
Geo-FencingAn omlox hub supports geo-fencing functionality – independent of the locating technology.
Distance computationAn omlox hub can compute distances between moving objects in local and global coordinates.


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omlox solves a lot of different problems

Asset tracking

Have you ever searched for tools, orders or materials in your production? With indoor locating this won’t happen anymore! Within the omlox core zone you can locate different products (tools and tags) from different suppliers. omlox is an open standard with no lock-in!

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Cross-site tracking

You would like to know where your goods are along the Supply Chain? omlox offers you seamless indoor-outdoor tracking. With the omlox hub you can easily connect different locating technologies, like UWB, RFID, GPS…. This enables you to locate your goods precisely along the Supply Chain – even inside of production halls.

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Robotics & Navigation

Automated guided vehicles and drones use the indoor position for indoor navigation and path planning. Navigation will be more robust and a higher grade of automation can be achieved. Additional technologies like RFID, GPS and BLE can expand the possibilities and allow a roaming between indoor and outdoor navigation.

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Analytics & Software

Indoor tracking, presence detection and remote path planning are examples of applications that use data provided by the omlox hub via an open interface. The omlox hub transforms locating data from all the different technologies like UWB, 5G, RFID and GPS into one common “language”. Easy for the applications to use!

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User navigation

User navigation is one of the top coming use-cases for omlox. For the usage of augmented reality in smart-factories, locationbased content is needed. Let’s imagine: A technician is entering a plant and needs navigation to a broken machine. How will he get his position and receive locationaware content?

A standard is needed!

If you are interested in optical engines and lences, check out the short following video from tooz technologies!

For more information and material go on our omlox websites:


PROFIBUS is a standardized, open, digital communications system for all areas of application in manufacturing and process automation.


PROFINET is the innovative open standard for Industrial Ethernet. It satisfies all requirements of automation technology.

omlox – the open locating standard

IO-LINK is an independent sensor / actuator interface solution for use with all automation technologies.



Omlox is an open technology standard for real-time indoor localization systems for industrial manufacturing.



Omlox is an open technology standard for real-time indoor localization systems for industrial manufacturing.